

Is the single-state dominance realized in double-β-decay transitions?

Osvaldo CivitareseJouni Suhonen


PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsDecay schemeInternal conversionBranching fractionDouble beta decayHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentAlpha decayAtomic physicsNuclear isomerGround stateBeta-decay stable isobars


In the single-state-dominance hypothesis (SSDH) the decay rate of the two-neutrino double-\ensuremath{\beta} decay to the final ground state is solely determined by virtual single-\ensuremath{\beta}-decay transitions via the ${1}^{+}$ ground state of the intermediate nucleus. A very important consequence the SSDH will be that some of nonaccelerator measurements of double-\ensuremath{\beta}-decay observables could be circumvented by single-\ensuremath{\beta}-decay measurements. To assess the validity of the SSDH, we have carried out a theoretical analysis of all double-\ensuremath{\beta}-decay transitions where the spin-parity of the ground-state of the intermediate nucleus is ${1}^{+}$. The calculations indicate that the double-electron emitters, as well as the less explored double-positron emitters, show evidence of the SSDH.
