

Finite-dimensional non-associative algebras and codimension growth

Mikhail ZaicevAntonio GiambrunoIvan P. Shestakov


Discrete mathematicsPure mathematicsJordan algebraApplied MathematicsJordan algebraNon-associative algebraSubalgebraUniversal enveloping algebraPolynomial identityExponential growthCodimensionsPolynomial identityCodimensionsExponential growthJordan algebraQuadratic algebraAlgebra representationDivision algebraCellular algebraPOLINÔMIOSMathematics


AbstractLet A be a (non-necessarily associative) finite-dimensional algebra over a field of characteristic zero. A quantitative estimate of the polynomial identities satisfied by A is achieved through the study of the asymptotics of the sequence of codimensions of A. It is well known that for such an algebra this sequence is exponentially bounded.Here we capture the exponential rate of growth of the sequence of codimensions for several classes of algebras including simple algebras with a special non-degenerate form, finite-dimensional Jordan or alternative algebras and many more. In all cases such rate of growth is integer and is explicitly related to the dimension of a subalgebra of A. One of the main tools of independent interest is the construction in the free non-associative algebra of multialternating polynomials satisfying special properties.
