

Bacteria, fungi and arthropod pests collected on modern human mummies

Barbara ManachiniLuca SineoFranco Palla


EcologybiologyEcologySettore BIO/11 - Biologia MolecolareSettore BIO/08 - Antropologiabiology.organism_classificationbiodeteriogens biocenosis conservation biology hypogeic site.DNA extractionSettore AGR/11 - Entomologia Generale E ApplicataTaxonInsect Sciencelcsh:ZoologyIdentification (biology)Arthropodlcsh:QL1-991Ecology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsBacteria


A survey of opportunistic biocenosis (macro and micro organisms) associated with a rest of human mummy samples was carried out to characterise the biocenosis and to detect the potential of biodeteriogens. The rests of the human modern mummies come from a hypogeic site. Since mummies are relevant from a historic-artistic-scientific point of view, an aspect of this study was the identification and characterization of the biological systems related with biodeterioration of organic matter. In a first step, different sampling methods, according to the taxa, were applied. Technological procedures were combined in order to have an interdisciplinary approach to the conservation actions for testing future restoration protocols. Specimens were collected, identified and characterized by Microscopy (light, SEM, CLSM) and molecular analyses (DNA extraction, in vitro target sequence amplification, sequencing, sequence analysis). The results highlight a rather complex biocenonsis consisting of fungi, cyanobacteria, several insects and other arthropods.
