

Knowledge expectations of recently diagnosed patients with knee osteoarthritis.

Tarja KettunenTiina PellinenMaarit RaappanaJari VillbergHelena Leino-kilpiHelena Leino-kilpi


CounselingMalemedicine.medical_specialtyHigher educationEmotionsempowering knowledgeOsteoarthritisknee osteoarthritisHospital Patient's Knowledge Expectations Scale03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicinenursingPatient Education as TopicSurveys and QuestionnairesHealth careMedicineHumans030212 general & internal medicineHospital patientsEmpirical evidenceGeneral NursingAged030203 arthritis & rheumatologybusiness.industryta3141Pain managementMiddle AgedOsteoarthritis Kneemedicine.diseaseKnowledgePatient SatisfactionVocational educationScale (social sciences)Physical therapysymptomsFemalebusiness


Aim The aim of this study was to assess the socio-demographic and disease-related symptoms and emotions and knowledge expectations of patients recently diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis. A further aim was to determine associations between selected demographic variables and patients' expected knowledge. Background Patient counselling and information provision are recommended for all patients with knee osteoarthritis. In healthcare centres, there is a good possibility to establish the knowledge expectations of patients with knee osteoarthritis during counselling. Recent empirical evidence indicates a lack of research on knowledge expectations among recently diagnosed patients with knee osteoarthritis. Design A quantitative, descriptive inquiry design was adopted. Methods The data were collected from 252 recently diagnosed patients with knee osteoarthritis by a postal survey in 2013, using the Hospital Patient's Knowledge Expectations Scale as well as additional questions and statements. The data were analysed using multivariate linear regression. Results Most of the respondents were female pensioners who also had other chronic diseases. Approximately half of the participants had had counselling on osteoarthritis. Knowledge expectations concerning pain management were emphasized. From the empowering knowledge perspective, the highest knowledge expectations concerned bio-physiological dimensions of knowledge, followed by ethical and financial dimensions. Age, employment status, pain and emotions of concern and hope among women and tiredness or fatigue and vocational/higher education among men were associated with knowledge expectations. Conclusion Patients with knee osteoarthritis have high knowledge expectations and there is a need to improve the counselling and care of pain and tiredness or fatigue symptoms. The development of the counselling of recently diagnosed patients with knee osteoarthritis also needs further research.
