

La riserva di regolamento parlamentare tra regolamento "maggiore" e regolamenti "minori", in ordine alla deliberazione n. 14 del 12 luglio 2018 dell'Ufficio di Presidenza della Camera dei deputati

Giuseppe Lauricella


riserva regolamento parlamentareSettore IUS/09 - Istituzioni Di Diritto Pubblico


The work deals with examining the discipline of parliamentary regulations, with particular reference to the regulation on annuities or social security treatments recognized to parliamentarians. The study from the Bureau resolution that redefined, with retroactive effects, the way for the payment of checks. It is a matter of assessing the legitimacy of the Bureau resolution, proposing, however, a possible solution, which for greater protection and guarantee gives the regulation on social security treatment a full legitimacy through the provision also in the Chamber's major regulation.
