

Intracellular route of canine parvovirus entry.

Matti VuentoAnne KalelaLaura KakkolaVarpu MarjomäkiPäivi MäkinenMaija Vihinen-ranta


CytoplasmMicroinjectionsParvovirus CanineEndosomeanimal diseasesvirusesImmunologyEndocytic cycleBiologyVirus ReplicationEndocytosisMicrotubulesMicrobiologyCell LineDogsVirologyAnimalsMicroinjectionParvovirusNocodazoleTemperatureCanine parvovirusLipid bilayer fusionbiology.organism_classificationVirologyEndocytosisVirus-Cell InteractionsMicroscopy FluorescenceViral replicationInsect Science


ABSTRACT The present study was designed to investigate the endocytic pathway involved in canine parvovirus (CPV) infection. Reduced temperature (18°C) or the microtubule-depolymerizing drug nocodazole was found to inhibit productive infection of canine A72 cells by CPV and caused CPV to be retained in cytoplasmic vesicles as indicated by immunofluorescence microscopy. Consistent with previously published results, these data indicate that CPV enters a host cell via an endocytic route and further suggest that microtubule-dependent delivery of CPV to late endosomes is required for productive infection. Cytoplasmic microinjection of CPV particles was used to circumvent the endocytosis and membrane fusion steps in the entry process. Microinjection experiments showed that CPV particles which were injected directly into the cytoplasm, thus avoiding the endocytic pathway, were unable to initiate progeny virus production. CPV treated at pH 5.0 prior to microinjection was unable to initiate virus production, showing that factors of the endocytic route other than low pH are necessary for the initiation of infection by CPV.
