

Giant resonant enhancement for photo-induced superconductivity in K$_3$C$_{60}$

E. RoweB. YuanM. BuzziG. JotzuY. ZhuM. FechnerM. FörstB. LiuD. PontiroliM. RiccòA. Cavalleri


Superconductivity (cond-mat.supr-con)Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated ElectronsStrongly Correlated Electrons (cond-mat.str-el)Condensed Matter - SuperconductivityFOS: Physical sciences


Photo-excitation at terahertz and mid-infrared frequencies has emerged as a new way to manipulate functionalities in quantum materials, in some cases creating non-equilibrium phases that have no equilibrium analogue. In K$_3$C$_{60}$, a metastable zero-resistance phase was documented with optical properties and pressure dependences compatible with non-equilibrium high temperature superconductivity. Here, we report the discovery of a dominant energy scale for this phenomenon, along with the demonstration of a giant increase in photo-susceptibility near 10 THz excitation frequency. At these drive frequencies a metastable superconducting-like phase is observed up to room temperature for fluences as low as ~400 $\mu J/cm^2$. These findings shed light on the microscopic mechanism underlying photo-induced superconductivity. They also trace a path towards steady state operation, currently limited by the availability of a suitable high-repetition rate optical source at these frequencies.
