

Relations Between Autonomous Motivation and Leisure-Time Physical Activity Participation: The Mediating Role of Self-Regulation Techniques

Nelli HankonenAri HaukkalaJohanna NurmiMartin S. HaggerMartin S. HaggerMartin S. HaggerVera Araujo-soares


MalePredictive validityControl theory (sociology)AdolescenteducationIndividualityPsychological interventionPhysical activityModels PsychologicalAffect (psychology)Developmental psychology03 medical and health sciencesLeisure Activities0302 clinical medicineAccelerometryAdaptation PsychologicalHumansProspective Studies030212 general & internal medicineExerciseFinlandInternal-External ControlApplied PsychologyMotivation030229 sport sciencesInternal-External Control5144 Social psychologyAction planningPersonal AutonomySelf-monitoringFemalePsychology


This study tested the predictive validity of a multitheory process model in which the effect of autonomous motivation from self-determination theory on physical activity participation is mediated by the adoption of self-regulatory techniques based on control theory. Finnish adolescents (N = 411, aged 17–19) completed a prospective survey including validated measures of the predictors and physical activity, at baseline and after one month (N = 177). A subsample used an accelerometer to objectively measure physical activity and further validate the physical activity self-report assessment tool (n = 44). Autonomous motivation statistically significantly predicted action planning, coping planning, and self-monitoring. Coping planning and self-monitoringmediated the effect of autonomous motivation on physical activity, although self-monitoring was the most prominent. Controlled motivation had no effect on self-regulation techniques or physical activity. Developing interventions that support autonomous motivation for physical activity may foster increased engagement in self-regulation techniques and positively affect physical activity behavior.
