


Davide Andrea MauroStefano Delle MonacheDavide Rocchesso


sonic interaction design system architecture vocal sketching sound designSound (medical instrument)Settore INF/01 - InformaticaInformationSystems_INFORMATIONINTERFACESANDPRESENTATION(e.g.HCI)Computer scienceMicrophoneSound designSpeech recognition05 social sciencesModel parameterssystem architecturevocal sketchingsonic interaction designAugmented microphone050105 experimental psychologysound designGestureInertial measurement unitSonic interaction designSettore ICAR/13 - Disegno Industriale0501 psychology and cognitive sciences050107 human factorsPencil (mathematics)Gesture


miMic, a sonic analogue of paper and pencil is proposed: An augmented microphone for vocal and gestural sonic sketching. Vocalizations are classified and interpreted as instances of sound models, which the user can play with by vocal and gestural control. The physical device is based on a modified microphone, with embedded inertial sensors and buttons. Sound models can be selected by vocal imitations that are automatically classified, and each model is mapped to vocal and gestural features for real-time control. With miMic, the sound designer can explore a vast sonic space and quickly produce expressive sonic sketches, which may be turned into sound prototypes by further adjustment of model parameters.
