

Project report : Lessons learned from terminology harmonisation

Mikael Snaprud


National readiness and crisis managementVDP::Library and information science: 320StandardiseringNasjonal beredskap og krisehåndteringVDP::Biblioteks- og informasjonsvitenskap: 320BegrepsdefinisjonStandardisationTerminologiTerminologyConcept definition


A common understanding of language and the meaning of concepts is needed for communications in general, and can be crucial to save lives in large rescue operations. Redningshåndboka (the National Rescue handbook) provides a common glossary for first responders’ communications across all sectors in training and practice. However, today each sector maintains their own glossaries, acronyms and jargon, causing potential misunderstandings in joint operations. In this report we outline lessons learned from national and international standardisation and additional practical project outcomes to contribute to terminology harmonisation from the INSITU project.
