

Identity dynamics and social partitions : the case of identity "racial" Blacks in France

Caroline Perrin


Discriminations implicitesIdentité « raciale »Catégorisation sociale[SHS.PSY]Humanities and Social Sciences/PsychologyDynamiques identitairesSocial representations[SHS.PSY] Humanities and Social Sciences/Psychology[ SHS.PSY ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Psychology« Racial » identityIdentity dynamicsCategorizationDiscriminationSocial partitionsPartitions socialesReprésentations sociales


Our research work investigates - from a psycho-social point of view - the «racial» identity of the black population in France, notably in their relation with the white population, so as to point up the identity dynamics that exist between the various groups. The theoretical framework is related to social grouping and one of its developments, i.e. the concept of social partitioning. Such conception is based on the existence of several types of inter-category relations (partitioning) that allow apprehending the nature of individuals’ identity positioning within the framework of an inter-group relation and make it dynamic through the notion of co-construction. Our methodology is based mainly on mutual, i.e., inter-category representations (the representation one has of his/her category, of the exogroup(s)), leading to the definition of the identity dynamics that exist between groups with socio-cultural differences. In this perspective, a series of studies has been carried out. The first study demonstrated, the introduction of identity strategies different from the Antilleans blacks as they live in the Métropole or the Caribbean. The Antilleans of Métropole are part of a community partition, while those of the West Indies seem to adopt an avoidance strategy by a recategorized superordinate level. The second study shows that, depending on who addresses them (expressed by the inducing words «Black», «Blanc», «Beur») i.e., French persons of African or Antilleans origin, of European origin, or from the Maghreb, adopted a different identity positioning. Lastly, a third study highlights the existence of an implicit discrimination towards Black people in France, resting on a stereotype similar to that observed in The United States of America, but not explicitly mentioned. In general, these studies demonstrate that the apprehension of inter-ethnical relations expressed in terms of partition (rather than simply in terms of endo-favoritism or exo-defavoritism) and thus help us understand the relationships that exist between various communities in an intra-national context.
