

Classical thermodynamics of the Heisenberg chain in a field by generalized Bethe ansatz method

R.k. BulloughJ. TimonenValerio TognettiYu Zong ChenR. Vaia


PhysicsHeisenberg modelGeneral Physics and AstronomyThermodynamicssine-Gordon equationIntegral equationBethe ansatzsymbols.namesakeThermodynamic limitsymbolsPeriodic boundary conditionsBoundary value problemHamiltonian (quantum mechanics)Mathematical physics


Abstract Using the classical action-angle variables for the continuous model, we study the thermodynamics of the classical Heisenberg chain in an applied field by a generalized Bethe ansatz approach. The crucial point consists in the derivation of a phase-shifted density of states for the excitations of the model, obtained by imposing periodic boundary conditions. In the thermodynamic limit, the free energy can be expressed in terms of the solution of a non-linear integral equation, showing the universal dependece of the variable x=(JH) 1 2 /T .
