

Sabratha. La necropoli a Nord-Est del Teatro nell'insula 8 della Regio IV e il riuso dello spazio urbano a scopo funerario

Emma Vitale


Late AntiquityTipologie funerarierifunzionalizzazione dello spazio urbanourban space refunctionalizationTarda AntichitàCristianizzazioneroad systemChristianizationurban topographyTopografia urbanagrave typologySettore L-ANT/08 - Archeologia Cristiana E Medievale


The cemetery (m 29 x 39), excavated and restored by G. Caputo in the Thirties of the twentieth century, borders westwards the cardo which leads to the Early Christian churches of Regio III, and southwards the Theatre decumanus. The burial area comprises 84 tomb sub-divo, violated or with the gravestones moved. The burial types are: 1) the forma, attested by 43 specimens, 2) the case, rectangular or anthropomorphic, with 26 specimens, 3) nine cupae, characterized by a semi-cylindrical crown placed directly on the gravestones or on a base of limestone blocks, and 4) the mound, only one example. The space organization seems to follow clear rules: all the burials are in fact concentrated in the southern half of the insula, in parallel rows of 4-5 tombs or in less ordered groups of cases. Along the cardo and the decumanus, the cemetery continues beyond its limits with a row of cupae for children. The graveyard covered an area abandoned after the earthquake of 365 d.C.; it was related to some Late Roman houses built on the ruins of the Theatre.
