

Minéralité du vin: représentations mentales de consommateurs suisses et français

Pascale DeneulinGuillaume Le BrasYves Le FurLaurent Gautier


sémantique cognitiveminéralitévin[ SHS.LANGUE ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Linguistics[SHS.LANGUE]Humanities and Social Sciences/Linguistics[SHS.LANGUE] Humanities and Social Sciences/Linguisticsfouille de données


Minerality in wines: mental expectations of Swiss and French consumers Today the concept of minerality in wines is omnipresent. It appears in marketing discourses, in oenological critics and commercial communication. However, there is no common agreement on a general definition. This paper aims to study the different expectations that Swiss and French consumers have about minerality. The multidimensionality of the term is reflected through stereotypes like the odor of flint, the impression of "sucking a stone", or referring to acidity or to the Terroir. Thus, the term minerality appears as a unstable concept and providing a precise definition remains consequently difficult for many consumers.
