

Griscelli-Syndrom: ein Fallbericht

M. KnufJ.-h. HöpnerS. AlthoffP. Habermehl


First episodemedicine.medical_specialtybusiness.industryHepatosplenomegalyDiseasemedicine.diseasePancytopeniaDermatologySurgeryEl NiñoImmunopathologyPediatrics Perinatology and Child HealthMedicinemedicine.symptombusinessGriscelli syndromeNeurological impairment


Background: Griscelli syndrome is a rare disorder with poor prognosis. It is characterized by silver-grey hair or strands of silver-grey hair in childhood, and variable cellular immunodeficiency. The course of the untreated disease is fatal. Recurrent episodes of fever and lymphohistocytic infiltration of organs lead to hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, pancytopenia, and progressive neurological impairment. Prognosis on morbidity and lethality depends on an early diagnosis. Patient: The girl we report on suffers from Griscelli syndrome. She developed normally and only her grey strands of hair, grey eyebrows, and eyelids were conspicuous. With the age of 4 years she presented with a first episode of illness. Results: Cytostatic treatment seemed to ameliorate the course of the disease although further accelerated phases could not be prevented. The only therapeutic option is a bone marrow transplantation, which we conferred upon our patient. Conclusion: The finding of grey hairs in childhood should alert clinicians to consider Griscelli syndrome since an early diagnosis is life and health saving.
