

A new species within the Centaurea busambarensis complex (Asteraceae, Cardueae) from Sicily

Gianniantonio DominaEmilio Di GristinaGiulio Barone


mountain floraEcologyAsteralesCentaureaAsteraceaeBiotaMediterranean areaTracheophytaMagnoliopsidaCentaurea Endemism Mediterranean area Mountain floraCentaurea busambarensisendemismCarduoideaePlantaeEcology Evolution Behavior and Systematics


The Centaurea busambarensis group is made up by eight species endemic to Sicily. We statistically evaluated a population found on the Nebrodi Mountain (NE Sicily) to verify if the observed morphological differences with the already known taxa justified the description of a new one. It resulted in being sufficiently distinct to deserve recognition at the species level. Centaurea valdemonensis, a new species endemic to Sicily is described and illustrated here. It is confined to the Nebrodi Mountains (NE Sicily). The distinction of this taxon from the others belonging to the C. busambarensis complex has been supported with the aid of statistical analyses on morphological characters. The differences with the related taxa are discussed.
