

Conflicts and Reconciliation in the Postmillennial Heritage-Policy Discourses of the Council of Europe and the European Union

Tuuli Lähdesmäki


media_common.quotation_subjectSpace (commercial competition)Euroopan neuvostoEuroopan unioniPower (social and political)Politicsconflictsheritage-policydiskurssiPolitical science050602 political science & public administrationmedia_common.cataloged_instance0601 history and archaeologyConversationCouncil of EuropeEuropean UnionEuropean unionmedia_common060101 anthropologykulttuuripolitiikka05 social sciencesyhteensovittaminenkonfliktit06 humanities and the artskulttuuriperintö0506 political scienceCultural heritagereconciliationPolitical economyMaterialism


AbstractLähdesmäki analyses the heritage-policy discourses of the EU and the Council of Europe. She particularly discusses how these institutions deal with the challenges the idea of heritage faces in today’s Europe and the opportunities that these may present to respond to these challenges. The analysis shows how the EU and the Council of Europe seek to reconcile heritage-related conflicts by approaching heritage as a space for civil participation, interaction, intercultural dialogue, and conversation about divergent values and narrations of the past. However, their policy discourses often relay on a static and materialist notion of heritage. This kind of discourse maintains geographical, cultural, political, socio-economic, and religious power hierarchies and an exclusive understanding of a common European cultural heritage.
