Social lnnovation: The Y-Foundation Case
Soilikki ViljanenAnna-maija LämsäJuha Kaakinensubject
tapaustutkimusosallistaminensocial businesssosiaaliset innovaatiotSuomisosiaaliset yrityksetetiikkaFinlandinkluusiodescription
The starting point of this paper is that advancing social inclusion – making all groups of people feel important and valued – is crucial to consider since it advances the quality of life and development of humans, organizations, and societies. The objective of this paper is to introduce the case of a social innovation called the Y-Foundation. The Y-Foundation is a social enterprise operating in Finland and aiming to promote opportunities for homeless people. Having a home can make solving health and social problems much easier. In addition, a linkage between ethics and innovation in the Y-Foundation’s operations is discussed. peerReviewed
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2017-01-01 |