

Le molteplici conseguenze della perdita del rapporto parentale nel confronto tra gli ordinamenti

Giancarlo Geraci


damage from loss of parental relationship damage civil liability Fatal Accident Act Common LawSettore IUS/01 - Diritto PrivatoSettore IUS/02 - Diritto Privato Comparato


The essay focuses on the damage caused by the loss of the parental relationship and, in particular, its consequences from a compensation point of view. Taking as its starting point a recent ruling of the Corte di Cassazione, the paper highlights how, in the Italian legal system, this type of damage has different, and significant, consequences for the injured party. In the second part of the essay, it will be seen how, in the English legal system, the so called damage for bereavement has only recently been introduced in the Fatal Accident Act 1976 and how its consequences differ considerably from what happens in the Italian legal system.
