Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry in the distribution of leptons intt¯events in thelepton+jetschannel
M. D. CorcoranV. SimakSabine LammersL. HanAaron DominguezMitchell WayneH. SchellmanJ. M. KohliS. UvarovStefan GrünendahlH. GreenleeA. MelnitchoukI. Ripp-baudotR. Magaña-villalbaB. QuinnUlrich HeintzA. BrossS. W. ChoGraham WilsonA. MeyerA. MeyerM. BuehlerJ. P. NegretB. TuchmingFrank FilthautJ. M. HauptmanGianluca PetrilloShabnam JabeenC. SchwanenbergerSung Keun ParkM. DiesburgP. H. GarbinciusJ. KrausA. S. ItoD. OrbakerYuji EnariAlice BeanF. BadaudR. Luna-garciaMichael HildrethLidija ZivkovicS. W. YounRuchika NayyarCecilia Elena GerberG. GintherG. GintherBrad AbbottPierre PetroffA. DasJ. K. LimKamil AugstenV. V. LipaevJ. LellouchH. HegabV. PariharVolker BuescherJianming QianD. EdmundsA. Sanchez-hernandezDarren PriceH. T. NguyenS. UzunyanAngelo De Souza SantosD. R. ClaesChristopher George TullyP. N. RatoffY. PetersZhenyu YeS. BhatiaAvto KharchilavaT. HoangAlexander KhanovL. FengA. V. PopovGavin DaviesP. SvoiskyHui LiYuri GershteinA. P. HeinsonRaymond BrockR. BeuselinckMaksym TitovDmitri TsybychevR. L. MccarthyD. MenezesRobert HiroskyJoseph HaleyM. HohlfeldM. A. PleierPatrick SlatteryAmnon HarelR. Lopes De SaS. AtkinsV. BunichevEmily JohnsonJ. JoshiD. A. StoyanovaSuneel DuttA. JonckheereS. Söldner-remboldY. ScheglovY. W. LiuTerry Richard WyattE. Camacho-pérezA. AltonA. LobodenkoG. GutierrezHongfang LiuShih-chang LeeM. MerkinQ. Z. LiV. M. AbazovV. SharyReinhard SchwienhorstJ. WarcholV. A. KuzminE. De La Cruz-bureloKonstantinos PetridisAndrew BrandtPhilip BaringerMarkus WobischH. E. FiskGregory R SnowSteven W. ShawDaria ZieminskaY. N. KharzheevAndrew AskewA. Y. VerkheevG. AlkhazovI. KiselevichA. JusteD. V. BandurinCarsten HenselT. HeadHarald FoxJ. OstaD. SmirnovXiaowen LeiDon LincolnErich VarnesJohn HobbsM. R. AdamsB. S. AcharyaI. HowleyM. H.l.s. WangS. GrederIain Alexander BertramJ. SnowAran Garcia-bellidoK. HernerS. BanerjeeY. T. TsaiF. MiconiY. IlchenkoJean-arcady MeyerL. BagbyK. M. ChanM. VesterinenR. MadarJ. ZennamoA. DubeyG. GrenierOleg BrandtJ. Martínez-ortegaBjoern PenningM. C. CousinouW. M. Van LeeuwenAnthony RossJ. L. HolzbauerMark Richard James WilliamsV. E. BazterraL. S. VertogradovJan StarkCecile DeterreP. SkubicJose Andres Garcia-gonzalezG. D. AlexeevFlera RizatdinovaL. SuterFrederic DeliotG. SavageI. A. VasilyevVipin BhatnagarV. N. EvdokimovJ. OrdunaMarc BesanconChristophe RoyonR. JesikU. BasslerM. RominskyAlexander GrohsjeanM. CookeA. K.a. MacielR. BernhardMarco VerzocchiJ. P. AgnewJ. SekaricMichael A. StraussRegina DeminaH. D. WahlR. PartridgeW. E. CooperA. ChapelainL. Welty-riegerS. J. De JongA. PatwaS. CaughronLev UvarovR. IllingworthPedro G MercadanteArnulf QuadtMarcia BegalliPushpalatha C BhatP. LebrunSergey BurdinElemer NagyArnaud DuperrinW. GengW. GengShangfeng YangS. P. DenisovS. ChakrabartiNikos VarelasMeenakshi NarainC. L. McgivernBing ZhouM. M. MeijerA. A. ShchukinP. RubinovKenneth BloomFrank FiedlerD. N. BrownT. ScanlonGuo-ming ChenT. YasudaE. KajfaszMartin GrunewaldN. K. MondalD. BolineS. KermicheMaxim PerfilovV. L. MalyshevN. KhalatyanEmilien ChaponB. HoeneisenSuman Bala BeriLee SawyerMichael MulhearnMilos LokajicekH. T. DiehlElizaveta ShabalinaV. HynekHang YinDarien WoodA. BoehnleinJ. M. YuL. BellantoniC. P. BuszelloN. OsmanYuehong XieS. BlessingP. D. GrannisD. LiE. E. BoosP. F. DingScott SnyderTodd AdamsJ. EllisonHeriberto Castilla-valdezS. FuessM. S. JeongD. HedinT. NunnemannB. BaldinGavin Grant HeskethT. KurcaJ. F. BartlettVictor Daniel ElviraRobert KehoeK. A. JohnsN. ProkopenkoK. DevaughanAndreas Werner JungD. KarmanovT. G. ZhaoW. YeSudhir MalikIa IashviliBrajesh C ChoudharyV. V. TokmeninH. A. NealJ. T. LinnemannK. YipJason Dhia MansourX. B. BuS. DesaiPetr VokacB. C.k. CaseyMarvin JohnsonA. L. LyonA. V. KozelovV. M. PodstavkovM. FortnerA. ChandraW. M. LeePh GrisGuennadi BorissovI. Heredia-de La CruzW. C. FisherR. D. SchambergerNeeti ParasharJ. HoganJi ZhuKristian HarderA. FalkowskiD. CuttsM. P. SandersI. RazumovM. ZielinskiVladimir GavrilovJ. HaysSuyong ChoiGordon WattsJ. ClutterPhillip GutierrezJ. WeichertP. NeustroevG. GolovanovM. EadsM. JaffréK. SoustruznikEmanuela BarberisAlexander KupcoI. KatsanosG. C. BlazeyN. ParuaD. VilanovaRandy RuchtiGregorio BernardiD. DenisovP. JiangR. YamadaS. CihangirFabrice CoudercAshok KumarJean-francois GrivazLiang LiHal EvansThomas FerbelM. PrewittP. JonssonA. PalLev DudkoZdenek HubacekThomas HebbekerThomas HebbekerLars SonnenscheinLars SonnenscheinM. BorysovaThibault GuilleminG. SajotA. JayasingheY. A. YatsunenkoHorst SeveriniCarlos AvilaHakjae LeeRichard B. LiptonR. Van Kootensubject
Quantum chromodynamicsQuarkPhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsParticle physicsGenerator (category theory)media_common.quotation_subjectHigh Energy Physics::PhenomenologyTevatronInverse7. Clean energyAsymmetryNuclear physicsHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentRapidityNuclear ExperimentLeptonmedia_commondescription
We present measurements of the forward-backward asymmetry in the angular distribution of leptons from decays of top quarks and antiquarks produced in proton-antiproton collisions. We consider the final state containing a lepton and at least three jets. The entire sample of data collected by the D0 experiment during Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider, corresponding to 9.7 inverse fb of integrated luminosity, is used. The asymmetry measured for reconstructed leptons is $A_{FB}^l = \big(2.9 \pm 2.1(stat.) ^{+1.5}_{-1.7}(syst.) \big)$%. When corrected for efficiency and resolution effects within the lepton rapidity coverage of $|y_l|<1.5$, the asymmetry is found to be $A_{FB}^l = \big(4.2 \pm 2.3(stat.) ^{+1.7}_{-2.0}(syst.) \big)$%. Combination with the asymmetry measured in the dilepton final state yields $A_{FB}^l = \big(4.2 \pm 2.0(stat.) \pm 1.4(syst.) \big)$%. We examine the dependence of $A_{FB}^l$ on the transverse momentum and rapidity of the lepton. The results are in agreement with predictions from the next-to-leading-order QCD generator \mcatnlo, which predicts an asymmetry of $A_{FB}^l = 2.0$% for $|y_l|<1.5$.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2014-10-07 | Physical Review D |