

Finland : An international approach to Physical Development

Arja SääkslahtiRebecca Duncombe


liikuntakasvatusvarhaiskasvatuseducationfyysinen kehitysliikuntalapsen kehitys


This chapter outlines a number of comparisons between Finland and the United Kingdom, in relation to physical development opportunities, Physical Education (PE) and physical activity. In Finland, teaching is a very attractive profession, with just 10 per cent of applicants admitted to be trained as teachers. Teaching is valued as one of the top four professions in Finland, and PE teachers belong to this highly valued group requiring a five-year Master’s degree. In Finland, early education covers the 0–8 age range and is designed to provide continuous and progressive education and care from the Early Years, to preschool and through to the early part of Primary School. The aim of early childhood education and care in Finland is to promote the holistic growth, health and well-being of each child as determined by his or her age and development. peerReviewed
