

Augusto Del Noce e l'eterogenesi dei fini della rivoluzione nel Novecento

Mauro Antonio Buscemi


Novecentomodernitàpositivismoeterogenesi dei finiSettore SPS/02 - Storia Delle Dottrine PoliticheEuropamarxismo


This essays aims at studying how Marxism acts within the European scene; there it never succeeds in the direct attainment of power but it spreads on a cultural and social level, as an ideology of materialism and as a criticism to the common religious tradition. According to Augusto Del Noce it is a paradox that the Marxist thought becomes an unconscious ally of the bourgeois spirit whose aim is the spreading of the consumerism logic and of a laicized lifestyle in a society where, during the latter postwar period, the contemporary phenomenon of natural irreligion spreads as exclusion of God from the public and private life. He thinks that a freer and more united society can be created giving space to the subject and to his/her moral tension towards the endless good.
