

What is meaningful for responsible shoppers in online fashion retail?

Tiina KemppainenLauri FrankLuhtanen Venla


ostaminenvähittäiskauppabränditresponsible consumptionverkkokauppavaateliikkeetvastuullisuusmuotiqualitative studykuluttajatfashion retailonline shoppingvalintakriteerit


This qualitative study investigates what is meaningful for responsible shoppers in online fashion retail. The study aims to identify and describe these essential themes from the customers’ perspective. The data were collected by interviewing nine self-proclaimed responsible shoppers aged 26–51 years. All participants were female. The findings highlight six meaningful themes for responsible shoppers. These include 1) comprehensive and versatile information; 2) familiar brands and retailers; 3) domesticity; 4) pricing; 5) justification of purchase; and 6) the durability of fashion wear. The study indicates that these meaningful themes are related to the online store characteristics and brands sold in them, as well as to the shopper. Online fashion retailers create the conditions for a responsible purchase by the information the retailers present, their selection of brands, and pricing. However, favorable purchasing conditions alone do not guarantee purchases, as responsible shoppers avoid clothing purchases, and their purchases must be well justified. Future studies should examine how online retailers and service providers can appeal to these careful and reluctant shoppers. peerReviewed
