

Reproductive success of Coregonus species in areas loaded by effluents from paper mills

P. BaggeL. Hakkari


food.dishbiologyReproductive successEcologybusiness.industryPaper millbiology.organism_classificationPopulation densityfoodCoregonus lavaretusCoregonus albulaHypolimnionCoregonusbusinessWater pollution


The annual reproductive success of Coregonus albula and C. lavaretus in some polluted and clean areas of the central parts of L. Paijanne was estimated in 1981–90 on the basis of occurrence of larvae in shore seine and seine net samples after the ice melted. In polluted areas (0-5 km from Kaipola paper mill) larvae of coregonids were found only occasionally. In semipolluted areas (5–15 km from the paper mill) the densities of larvae were usually less than 0.1 ind m-2. In ‘clean’ areas the mean densities of larvae ranged from 0.45 to 5.34 inds m-2. A relatively high reproductive success of vendace was observed in 1984–85, moderate success in 1982–83 and low success in 1986–90. The larvae of whitefish were scarce in both polluted and semipolluted areas and their density ranged from 0.01 to 0.15 ind m-2 in clean shores. The highest density was observed in 1989. In spite of the improvement of the quality of water in the area in the 1980s, the reproductive success of coregonids is still low in a great part of the basin which may depend on adverse oxygen conditions of the hypolimnion and sediment and the toxic effects of the effluents.
