

Positioning the principles of precision medicine in care pathways for allergic rhinitis and chronic rhinosinusitis – A EUFOREA-ARIA-EPOS-AIRWAYS ICP statement

P. W. HellingsW. J. FokkensC. BachertC. A. AkdisT. BieberI. AgacheM. Bernal-sprekelsenG. W. CanonicaP. GevaertG. JoosV. J. LundA. MuraroM. OnerciT. ZuberbierB. PuginS. F. SeysJean BousquetAria And Epos Working GroupsI. AgacheC. A. AkdisM. AkdisI. AlobidJ. AnkriI. Annesi-maesanoI. J. AnsoteguiJosep M. AntoS. ArnavielheS. H. ArshadA. AsarnojF. AvolioC. BachertC. BachertI. BaiardiniCarlo M. BarbagalloCristina BarbaraF. BaroodyE. D. BatemanAnna BedbrookB. BeghéE. H. BelK. S. BennoorM. BensonK. C. BergmannM. BewickA. Z. BiałoszewskiT. BieberC. Bindslev-jensenL. BjermerHubert BlainF. BlasiA. L. BonerM. BoniniS. BoniniS. Bosnic-anticevitchI. BosseJ. BouchardL. P. BouletRodolphe BourretJean BousquetJean BousquetF. BraidoA. H. BriggsC. E. BrightlingJ. L. BrozekC. BuccaR. BuhlC. BunuE. BurteA. BushF. Caballero-fonsecaD. P. CaimmiM. A. CalderonP. A. M. CamargosThierry CamuzatG. W. CanonicaV. CardonaK. H. CarlsenW. CarrP. Carreiro-martinsA. M. CarriazoT. B. CasaleCepeda Sarabia A.mA. CervinM. CesariL. ChatziNiels H. ChavannesR. ChironT. Chivato PérezE. ChkhartishviliAlexander G. ChuchalinK. F. ChungG. CiprandiN. CohenS. Conzález DiazL. CoxGeorge CrooksA. A. CruzAdnan CustovicR. DahlS. E. DahlenU. DarsowG. De CarloE. De Manuel KeenoyJ. Correia De SousaElisabeth G. E. De VriesAntoni DedeuD. DeleanuPascal DemolyJ. A. DenburgP. DevillierA. DidierA. T. Dinh-xuanD. DokicH. B. DouaguiR. DouglasG. DrayG. Du ToitR. DubakieneS. R. DurhamM. S. DykewiczP. EklundY. El-gamalE. EllersR. EmuzyteJ. FarrellA. Fink-wagnerA. FiocchiM. FletcherW. J. FokkensJ. A. FonsecaF. ForastiereM. GagaA. GamkrelidzeB. GemicioǧluC. GeorgalasJ. E. GeredaP. GevaertH. GoossensI. GrisleN. A. GuldemondZ. GutterM. A. GuzmánT. HaahtelaR. HarveyJ. HeinrichP. W. HellingsP. W. HellingsB. Hellquist-dahlC. HopkinsF. HorakJ. O. B. HourihaneM. HumbertM. E. HylandG. IaccarinoM. IllarioE. J. JaresClaude JeandelS. L. JohnstonOlivier JonquetG. JoosG. JoosK. S. JungJ. JustM. JutelI. P. KaidashevO. KalayciL. KalogjeraA. F. KalyoncuP. KardasT. KeilP. K. KeithM. KerkhofB. KernH. A. M. KerstjensM. R. KhaitovN. KhaltaevL. KlimekM. KogevinasV. KolekG. H. KoppelmanM. L. KowalskiM. L. KowalskiM. KuitunenI. KullP. KunaV. KvedarieneB. LambrechtD. Larenas-linnemannS. LauD. LauneTuyen D. LeJ. LiP. LiebermanB. J. LipworthK. C. Lodrup CarlsenR. LouisV. J. LundC. LupinekW. MacneeY. MagardA. MagnanB. MahboubD. MaierI. MajerJ. MalvaP. J. ManningG. D. MarshallM. R. MasjediE. Mathieu-dupasM. MaurerS. Mavale-manuelE. MelénElisabete Melo GomesE. O. MeltzerJacques MercierH. MerkN. MiculinicF. MihaltanB. MilenkovicJ. Millot-keurinckY. MohammadI. MomasM. Morais AlmeidaR. MosgesJ. MullolJ. MullolA. MuraroR. MurrayR. N. NaclerioR. NadifL. Namazova-baranovaH. NeffenK. NekamA. NietoB. NiggemannL. Nogueira-silvaM. NoguesT. D. NyembueR. E. O'hehirK. OhtaY. OkamotoK. OkuboM. Olive-eliasS. OuedraogoP. L. PaggiaroI. Pali-schöllS. PalkonenP. PanznerN. G. PapadopoulosA. PapiH. S. ParkG. PassalacquaR. PawankarS. PedersenA. M. PereiraO. PfaarR. PicardB. PigeariasI. PinD. PlavecW. PohlT. A. PopovF. PortejoieD. S. PostmaP. PotterL. K. PoulsenD. PriceD. PriceK. F. RabeF. RaciborskiH. RiechelmannC. Robalo-cordeiroG. RobertsF. RodenasL. Rodriguez-mañasC. RollandM. Roman RodriguezA. RomanoJ. Rosado-pintoN. A. RosarioM. RottemD. RyanB. SamolinskiM. Sanchez-borgesJ. Sastre-dominguezG. K. ScaddingR. SchlosserP. Schmid-grendelmeierH. J. SchunemannN. ScichiloneB. SeniorE. SerranoA. SheikhK. M. ShieldsF. E. R. SimonsV. SirouxJ. C. SisulI. SkrindoH. A. SmitD. SoleT. SooronbaevO. SprangerC. StellatoR. StelmachP. J. SterkT. StrandbergJordi SunyerC. ThijsM. ThomasA. Todo-bomP. V. TomazicE. ToskalaM. TriggianiR. ValentaA. L. ValeroA. ValiulisE. ValovirtaM. Van EerdE. Van GanseM. Van HageR. G. Van WickO. VandenplasL. L. VaronaT. VazankariB. VellasM. T. VenturaG. VezzaniGiovanni ViegiR. VoegelsT. VontetsianosM. WagenmannU. WahnS. WalkerD. Y. WangYa Xing WangT. WerfelB. WhalleyM. WickmanD. M. WilliamsS. WilliamsN. WilsonP. J. WormaldJ. WrightB. P. YawnPanayiotis K. YiallourosA. YorganciogluI. YoungO. M. YusufA. ZaidiH. J. ZarM. E. ZernottiL. ZhangN. ZhongM. ZidarnT. ZuberbierP. W. HellingsW. J. FokkensC. BachertC. A. AkdisT. BieberI. AgacheM. Bernal-sprekelsenG. W. CanonicaP. GevaertG. JoosV. J. LundA. MuraroM. OnerciT. ZuberbierB. PuginS. F. SeysJean BousquetAria And Epos Working GroupsI. AgacheC. A. AkdisM. AkdisI. AlobidJ. AnkriI. Annesi-maesanoI. J. AnsoteguiJosep M. AntoS. ArnavielheS. H. ArshadA. AsarnojF. AvolioC. BachertC. BachertI. BaiardiniCarlo M. BarbagalloCristina BarbaraF. BaroodyE. D. BatemanAnna BedbrookB. BeghéE. H. BelK. S. BennoorM. BensonK. C. BergmannM. BewickA. Z. BiałoszewskiT. BieberC. Bindslev-jensenL. BjermerHubert BlainF. BlasiA. L. BonerM. BoniniS. BoniniS. Bosnic-anticevitchI. BosseJ. BouchardL. P. BouletRodolphe BourretJean BousquetJean BousquetF. BraidoA. H. BriggsC. E. BrightlingJ. L. BrozekC. BuccaR. BuhlC. BunuE. BurteA. BushF. Caballero-fonsecaD. P. CaimmiM. A. CalderonP. A. M. CamargosThierry CamuzatG. W. CanonicaV. CardonaK. H. CarlsenW. CarrP. Carreiro-martinsA. M. CarriazoT. B. CasaleCepeda Sarabia A.mA. CervinM. CesariL. ChatziNiels H. ChavannesR. ChironT. Chivato PérezE. ChkhartishviliAlexander G. ChuchalinK. F. ChungG. CiprandiN. CohenS. Conzález DiazL. CoxGeorge CrooksA. A. CruzAdnan CustovicR. DahlS. E. DahlenU. DarsowG. De CarloE. De Manuel KeenoyJ. Correia De SousaElisabeth G. E. De VriesAntoni DedeuD. DeleanuPascal DemolyJ. A. DenburgP. DevillierA. DidierA. T. Dinh-xuanD. DokicH. B. DouaguiR. DouglasG. DrayG. Du ToitR. DubakieneS. R. DurhamM. S. DykewiczP. EklundY. El-gamalE. EllersR. EmuzyteJ. FarrellA. Fink-wagnerA. FiocchiM. FletcherW. J. FokkensJ. A. FonsecaF. ForastiereM. GagaA. GamkrelidzeB. GemicioǧluC. GeorgalasJ. E. GeredaP. GevaertH. GoossensI. GrisleN. A. GuldemondZ. GutterM. A. GuzmánT. HaahtelaR. HarveyJ. HeinrichP. W. HellingsP. W. HellingsB. Hellquist-dahlC. HopkinsF. HorakJ. O. B. HourihaneM. HumbertM. E. HylandG. IaccarinoM. IllarioE. J. JaresClaude JeandelS. L. JohnstonOlivier JonquetG. JoosG. JoosK. S. JungJ. JustM. JutelI. P. KaidashevO. KalayciL. KalogjeraA. F. KalyoncuP. KardasT. KeilP. K. KeithM. KerkhofB. KernH. A. M. KerstjensM. R. KhaitovN. KhaltaevL. KlimekM. KogevinasV. KolekG. H. KoppelmanM. L. KowalskiM. L. KowalskiM. KuitunenI. KullP. KunaV. KvedarieneB. LambrechtD. Larenas-linnemannS. LauD. LauneTuyen D. LeJ. LiP. LiebermanB. J. LipworthK. C. Lodrup CarlsenR. LouisV. J. LundC. LupinekW. MacneeY. MagardA. MagnanB. MahboubD. MaierI. MajerJ. MalvaP. J. ManningG. D. MarshallM. R. MasjediE. Mathieu-dupasM. MaurerS. Mavale-manuelE. MelénElisabete Melo GomesE. O. MeltzerJacques MercierH. MerkN. MiculinicF. MihaltanB. MilenkovicJ. Millot-keurinckY. MohammadI. MomasM. Morais AlmeidaR. MosgesJ. MullolJ. MullolA. MuraroR. MurrayR. N. NaclerioR. NadifL. Namazova-baranovaH. NeffenK. NekamA. NietoB. NiggemannL. Nogueira-silvaM. NoguesT. D. NyembueR. E. O'hehirK. OhtaY. OkamotoK. OkuboM. Olive-eliasS. OuedraogoP. L. PaggiaroI. Pali-schöllS. PalkonenP. PanznerN. G. PapadopoulosA. PapiH. S. ParkG. PassalacquaR. PawankarS. PedersenA. M. PereiraO. PfaarR. PicardB. PigeariasI. PinD. PlavecW. PohlT. A. PopovF. PortejoieD. S. PostmaP. PotterL. K. PoulsenD. PriceD. PriceK. F. RabeF. RaciborskiH. RiechelmannC. Robalo-cordeiroG. RobertsF. RodenasL. Rodriguez-mañasC. RollandM. Roman RodriguezA. RomanoJ. Rosado-pintoN. A. RosarioM. RottemD. RyanB. SamolinskiM. Sanchez-borgesJ. Sastre-dominguezG. K. ScaddingR. SchlosserP. Schmid-grendelmeierH. J. SchunemannN. ScichiloneB. SeniorE. SerranoA. SheikhK. M. ShieldsF. E. R. SimonsV. SirouxJ. C. SisulI. SkrindoH. A. SmitD. SoleT. SooronbaevO. SprangerC. StellatoR. StelmachP. J. SterkT. StrandbergJordi SunyerC. ThijsM. ThomasA. Todo-bomP. V. TomazicE. ToskalaM. TriggianiR. ValentaA. L. ValeroA. ValiulisE. ValovirtaM. Van EerdE. Van GanseM. Van HageR. G. Van WickO. VandenplasL. L. VaronaT. VazankariB. VellasM. T. VenturaG. VezzaniGiovanni ViegiR. VoegelsT. VontetsianosM. WagenmannU. WahnS. WalkerD. Y. WangYa Xing WangT. WerfelB. WhalleyM. WickmanD. M. WilliamsS. WilliamsN. WilsonP. J. WormaldJ. WrightB. P. YawnPanayiotis K. YiallourosA. YorganciogluI. YoungO. M. YusufA. ZaidiH. J. ZarM. E. ZernottiL. ZhangN. ZhongM. ZidarnT. ZuberbierP. W. HellingsW. J. FokkensC. BachertC. A. AkdisT. BieberI. AgacheM. Bernal-sprekelsenG. W. CanonicaP. GevaertG. JoosV. J. LundA. MuraroM. OnerciT. ZuberbierB. PuginS. F. SeysJean BousquetAria And Epos Working GroupsI. AgacheC. A. AkdisM. AkdisI. AlobidJ. AnkriI. Annesi-maesanoI. J. AnsoteguiJosep M. AntoS. ArnavielheS. H. ArshadA. AsarnojF. AvolioC. BachertC. BachertI. BaiardiniCarlo M. BarbagalloCristina BarbaraF. BaroodyE. D. BatemanAnna BedbrookB. BeghéE. H. BelK. S. BennoorM. BensonK. C. BergmannM. BewickA. Z. BiałoszewskiT. BieberC. Bindslev-jensenL. BjermerHubert BlainF. BlasiA. L. BonerM. BoniniS. BoniniS. Bosnic-anticevitchI. BosseJ. BouchardL. P. BouletRodolphe BourretJean BousquetJean BousquetF. BraidoA. H. BriggsC. E. BrightlingJ. L. BrozekC. BuccaR. BuhlC. BunuE. BurteA. BushF. Caballero-fonsecaD. P. CaimmiM. A. CalderonP. A. M. CamargosThierry CamuzatG. W. CanonicaV. CardonaK. H. CarlsenW. CarrP. Carreiro-martinsA. M. CarriazoT. B. CasaleCepeda Sarabia A.mA. CervinM. CesariL. ChatziNiels H. ChavannesR. ChironT. Chivato PérezE. ChkhartishviliAlexander G. ChuchalinK. F. ChungG. CiprandiN. CohenS. Conzález DiazL. CoxGeorge CrooksA. A. CruzAdnan CustovicR. DahlS. E. DahlenU. DarsowG. De CarloE. De Manuel KeenoyJ. Correia De SousaElisabeth G. E. De VriesAntoni DedeuD. DeleanuPascal DemolyJ. A. DenburgP. DevillierA. DidierA. T. Dinh-xuanD. DokicH. B. DouaguiR. DouglasG. DrayG. Du ToitR. DubakieneS. R. DurhamM. S. DykewiczP. EklundY. El-gamalE. EllersR. EmuzyteJ. FarrellA. Fink-wagnerA. FiocchiM. FletcherW. J. FokkensJ. A. FonsecaF. ForastiereM. GagaA. GamkrelidzeB. GemicioǧluC. GeorgalasJ. E. GeredaP. GevaertH. GoossensI. GrisleN. A. GuldemondZ. GutterM. A. GuzmánT. HaahtelaR. HarveyJ. HeinrichP. W. HellingsP. W. HellingsB. Hellquist-dahlC. HopkinsF. HorakJ. O. B. HourihaneM. HumbertM. E. HylandG. IaccarinoM. IllarioE. J. JaresClaude JeandelS. L. JohnstonOlivier JonquetG. JoosG. JoosK. S. JungJ. JustM. JutelI. P. KaidashevO. KalayciL. KalogjeraA. F. KalyoncuP. KardasT. KeilP. K. KeithM. KerkhofB. KernH. A. M. KerstjensM. R. KhaitovN. KhaltaevL. KlimekM. KogevinasV. KolekG. H. KoppelmanM. L. KowalskiM. L. KowalskiM. KuitunenI. KullP. KunaV. KvedarieneB. LambrechtD. Larenas-linnemannS. LauD. LauneTuyen D. LeJ. LiP. LiebermanB. J. LipworthK. C. Lodrup CarlsenR. LouisV. J. LundC. LupinekW. MacneeY. MagardA. MagnanB. MahboubD. MaierI. MajerJ. MalvaP. J. ManningG. D. MarshallM. R. MasjediE. Mathieu-dupasM. MaurerS. Mavale-manuelE. MelénElisabete Melo GomesE. O. MeltzerJacques MercierH. MerkN. MiculinicF. MihaltanB. MilenkovicJ. Millot-keurinckY. MohammadI. MomasM. Morais AlmeidaR. MosgesJ. MullolJ. MullolA. MuraroR. MurrayR. N. NaclerioR. NadifL. Namazova-baranovaH. NeffenK. NekamA. NietoB. NiggemannL. Nogueira-silvaM. NoguesT. D. NyembueR. E. O'hehirK. OhtaY. OkamotoK. OkuboM. Olive-eliasS. OuedraogoP. L. PaggiaroI. Pali-schöllS. PalkonenP. PanznerN. G. PapadopoulosA. PapiH. S. ParkG. PassalacquaR. PawankarS. PedersenA. M. PereiraO. PfaarR. PicardB. PigeariasI. PinD. PlavecW. PohlT. A. PopovF. PortejoieD. S. PostmaP. PotterL. K. PoulsenD. PriceD. PriceK. F. RabeF. RaciborskiH. RiechelmannC. Robalo-cordeiroG. RobertsF. RodenasL. Rodriguez-mañasC. RollandM. Roman RodriguezA. RomanoJ. Rosado-pintoN. A. RosarioM. RottemD. RyanB. SamolinskiM. Sanchez-borgesJ. Sastre-dominguezG. K. ScaddingR. SchlosserP. Schmid-grendelmeierH. J. SchunemannN. ScichiloneB. SeniorE. SerranoA. SheikhK. M. ShieldsF. E. R. SimonsV. SirouxJ. C. SisulI. SkrindoH. A. SmitD. SoleT. SooronbaevO. SprangerC. StellatoR. StelmachP. J. SterkT. StrandbergJordi SunyerC. ThijsM. ThomasA. Todo-bomP. V. TomazicE. ToskalaM. TriggianiR. ValentaA. L. ValeroA. ValiulisE. ValovirtaM. Van EerdE. Van GanseM. Van HageR. G. Van WickO. VandenplasL. L. VaronaT. VazankariB. VellasM. T. VenturaG. VezzaniGiovanni ViegiR. VoegelsT. VontetsianosM. WagenmannU. WahnS. WalkerD. Y. WangYa Xing WangT. WerfelB. WhalleyM. WickmanD. M. WilliamsS. WilliamsN. WilsonP. J. WormaldJ. WrightB. P. YawnA. YorganciogluI. YoungO. M. YusufA. ZaidiH. J. ZarM. E. ZernottiL. ZhangN. ZhongM. ZidarnT. Zuberbier


allergic rhinitis; integrated care pathway; precision medicine; rhinosinusitisAllergyRhinosinusitisDiseaseAllergic rhinitis0302 clinical medicineQUALITY-OF-LIFEMedicineImmunology and Allergy030223 otorhinolaryngologySinusitisNASAL POLYPOSISRhinitisPrecision medicineintegrated care pathway3. Good healthAlgorithmREAL-LIFEIMPACT OUTCOMESARIA and EPOS working groups1107 ImmunologyDISEASESGA(2)LENDisease Progressionallergic rhinitiLife Sciences & BiomedicineENDOSCOPIC SINUS SURGERYAlgorithmsHumanIntegrated care pathwayallergic rhinitis; integrated care pathway; precision medicine; rhinosinusitis; Adult; Algorithms; Chronic Disease; Disease Progression; Humans; Precision Medicine; Rhinitis Allergic; Sinusitis; Young Adult; Immunology and Allergy; ImmunologyAdultmedicine.medical_specialtyprecision medicineImmunologyrhinosinusitiPHENOTYPESVALIDATIONYoung Adult03 medical and health sciencesTherapeutic approachAllergicPatient satisfactionQuality of life (healthcare)HumansSinusitisPatient participationIMMUNOTHERAPYIntensive care medicinerhinosinusitisAsthmaScience & Technologyallergic rhinitis; integrated care pathway; precision medicine; rhinosinusitis; Immunology and Allergy; Immunologyallergic rhinitisbusiness.industrymedicine.diseasePrecision medicineSinusitiRhinitis AllergicSEVERITY030228 respiratory system3121 General medicine internal medicine and other clinical medicineChronic DiseasePhysical therapyASTHMAbusiness


Precision medicine (PM) is increasingly recognized as the way forward for optimizing patient care. Introduced in the field of oncology, it is now considered of major interest in other medical domains like allergy and chronic airway diseases, which face an urgent need to improve the level of disease control, enhance patient satisfaction and increase effectiveness of preventive interventions. The combination of personalized care, prediction of treatment success, prevention of disease and patient participation in the elaboration of the treatment plan is expected to substantially improve the therapeutic approach for individuals suffering from chronic disabling conditions. Given the emerging data on the impact of patient stratification on treatment outcomes, European and American regulatory bodies support the principles of PM and its potential advantage over current treatment strategies. The aim of the current document was to propose a consensus on the position and gradual implementation of the principles of PM within existing adult treatment algorithms for allergic rhinitis (AR) and chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). At the time of diagnosis, prediction of success of the initiated treatment and patient participation in the decision of the treatment plan can be implemented. The second-level approach ideally involves strategies to prevent progression of disease, in addition to prediction of success of therapy, and patient participation in the long-term therapeutic strategy. Endotype-driven treatment is part of a personalized approach and should be positioned at the tertiary level of care, given the efforts needed for its implementation and the high cost of molecular diagnosis and biological treatment. © 2017 EAACI and John Wiley and Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd. 72 9 1297 1305
