

Career goal-related social ties during two educational transitions: Antecedents and consequences

Jari-erik NurmiLotta TynkkynenLotta TynkkynenKatariina Salmela-aroKatariina Salmela-aro


Measurement pointOrganizational Behavior and Human Resource ManagementFamily structure05 social sciences050301 educationCompulsory educationRomanceEducationInterpersonal tiesVocational educationLife course approach0501 psychology and cognitive sciencesLife-span and Life-course StudiesPsychology0503 educationSocial psychologySocioeconomic statusApplied Psychology050104 developmental & child psychology


Abstract This study examined adolescents’ career goal-related social ties during the transition from compulsory to post-compulsory education and during transition from post-compulsory education to working-life or further studies. A total of 687 Finnish adolescents aged 15–16 were surveyed of whom 654 also participated at the second measurement point one year later, and 497 three years later. Differences in career goal-related social ties were found according to gender, GPA, family structure, and SES. Moreover, social ties were associated with educational track after compulsory school above and beyond SES, GPA, and family structure. Adolescents who named a teacher or a romantic partner were more likely to enter vocational track, while adolescents who named their father were more likely to enter academic track.
