

How Are Practice and Performance Related? Development of Reading From Age 5 to 15

Elsje Van BergenKati VasalampiMinna Torppa


Longitudinal studyPath Analysismedia_common.quotation_subjectDecodingeducationsujuvuuslapset (ikäryhmät)asenteetpitkittäistutkimus2-ChildhoodlukeminenEducationPleasureDevelopmental psychologyDevelopmental TheoriesFluencylukuharrastusDevelopmental stage theoriesIndependent readingDevelopmental and Educational PsychologyLearning to read0501 psychology and cognitive sciencesmedia_commonluetun ymmärtäminenmotivaatio1-Early childhood05 social sciences050301 educationsitoutuminen/dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/quality_educationLongitudinal AnalysisComprehensionlastenkirjallisuusReading comprehensionAttitudeslukutaitoChildren’s LiteratureFluencyPsychologyComprehension0503 educationSDG 4 - Quality Education050104 developmental & child psychologyComprehension (General)Emergent LiteracyMotivation/engagement


Does reading a lot lead to better reading skills, or does reading a lot follow from high initial reading skills? The authors present a longitudinal study of how much children choose to read and how well they decode and comprehend texts. This is the first study to examine the codevelopment of print exposure with both fluency and comprehension throughout childhood using autocorrelations. Print exposure was operationalized as children’s amount of independent reading for pleasure. Two hundred children were followed from age 5 to age 15. Print exposure was assessed at ages 5, 7, 8, 9, and 13. Prereading skills were tested at age 5 and reading skills at ages 7, 8, 9, 14, and 15 (the latter with the Programme for International Student Assessment [PISA]). Before children learned to read (i.e., age 5), prereading skills and print exposure were not linked. Path analyses showed that children’s print exposure and reading skills reciprocally influence each other. During the early school years, the effects run from reading fluency to comprehension and print exposure, so from skills to amount. The effect of accumulated practice only emerged in adolescence. Reading fluency, comprehension, and print exposure were all important predictors of age 15 PISA reading comprehension. These findings were largely confirmed by post hoc models with random intercepts. Because foundational reading skills predicted changes in later reading comprehension and print exposure, the authors speculate that intervening decoding difficulties may positively impact exposure to and comprehension of texts. How much children read seems to matter most after the shift from learning to read to reading to learn. peerReviewed
