

Fingerprinting white marbles of archaeometric interest by means of combined SANS and USANS

Roberto TrioloFabrizio Lo CelsoValerio BenfanteGorgoni CBarker JButler PRuffo I.


fractals | Neutron scattering | small-angle scattering


We have performed a series of USANS and SANS measurements on a selected group of marble samples characterized by similar chemical composition but wide range of known metamorphic conditions. With these samples we start the building up of a data base in an attempt to correlate metamorphism and mesoscopic structure of white marbles. Experimental data have been analysed in terms of a hierarchical model. The present data highlight the importance of the structure at meso scale in identifying the provenance of the marble samples. A remarkable simple relation between the model parameters and the metamorphic degree has been found. This curve might represent a master curve to allow fingerprinting of white marbles. Also, two coloured marbles from Villa Adriana (Tivoli, Italy) have been investigated by means of the same techniques. Results obtained follow the general trend found for the white marbles
