

Should mild hypogammaglobulinemia be managed as severe hypogammaglobulinemia? A study of 389 patients with secondary hypogammaglobulinemia.

Bernard BonnotteBernard BonnotteDaniela LakomySabine BerthierV. LeguyPierre BoyerBernard LorcerieJean-françois BesancenotMaxime SamsonMaxime SamsonMathieu BlotHervé DevilliersSylvain AudiaSylvain Audia


ElectrophoresisMalePediatricsmedicine.medical_specialtyInfectionsSeverity of Illness IndexHypogammaglobulinemiaPneumococcal Vaccinesimmune system diseasesAgammaglobulinemiahemic and lymphatic diseasesSecondary HypogammaglobulinemiaInternal MedicinemedicineHumansAgedRetrospective StudiesAdult patientsbusiness.industryRetrospective cohort studyGamma globulinmedicine.diseaseElectrophoresesImmunologyEtiologyFemalebusiness


Although secondary hypogammaglobulinemia is more frequent than primary hypogammaglobulinemia, its etiology and management are poorly described, particularly for mild hypogammaglobulinemia.This retrospective observational study included all adult patients with a gammaglobulin level6.4g/L on serum electrophoresis identified at Dijon teaching hospital between April and September 2012. Clinico-biological features, etiologies and infectious complications were collected at inclusion and compared between group 1 (gammaglobulin5g/L, severe hypogammaglobulinemia), and group 2 (gammaglobulin6.4 and ≥5g/L, mild hypogammaglobulinemia).Among the 4011 serum electrophoreses, 570 samples from 389 patients had gammaglobulin levels below 6.4g/L: 156 (40%) in group 1 and 233 (60%) in group 2. Mean age±SD was 67 (15) years, and sex ratio was 1.04 (M/F) with no difference between the two groups. An etiology was identified in 79% and 58% of patients in groups 1 and 2, respectively (p0.0001). The main etiologies were similar in both groups and included malignant hemopathy treated with cytostatic agents (n=129, 33%), smoldering or newly-diagnosed hemopathy without treatment (n=49, 13%) and immunosuppressive treatment (n=91, 23%). The incidence of hypogammaglobulinemia-related infections was 22/100/year, with no significant difference between the two groups (p=0.17). Vaccination coverage against pneumococcus was 33%, and higher in group 1 (46% vs. 24%; p0.0001). When no cause was known at inclusion, an etiology was discovered in 22/130 patients (17%), 11 in each group.Though mild hypogammaglobulinemia does not meet the classical criteria for hypogammaglobulinemia (5g/L), the etiology and infectious risk are similar. It therefore requires investigation and vaccination.
