

Can buccal infiltration of articaine replace traditional inferior alveolar nerve block for the treatment of mandibular molars in pediatric patients?:a systematic review and meta-analysis

Xiao ZhangSiyan LiuJianfeng Yu


MolarobesityAnesthesia DentalMandibular NerveDentistryCarticaineReviewInferior alveolar nerveArticainelaw.inventionRandomized controlled trialstomatognathic systemDouble-Blind MethodlawmedicineHumansAnesthetics LocalChildxerostomiaGeneral DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASOral Medicine and Pathologygeriatricsbusiness.industryLidocainePulpitisNerve BlockBuccal administrationMolarConfidence intervalOtorhinolaryngologysystemic pathologyMeta-analysisAnestheticoral healthSurgerybusinessmedicine.drug


Background It is unclear if buccal articaine infiltration can be used as an alternative to standard inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB) for treating mandibular molars in pediatric patients. Therefore, this study aimed to pool evidence to compare the efficacy of buccal infiltration of articaine vs IANB with lignocaine for pediatric dental procedures. Material and Methods We searched the PubMed, Embase, ScienceDirect, CENTRAL, and Google Scholar databases for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing the two techniques in pediatric patients and reporting the success of anesthesia and/or pain during treatment. PRISMA guidelines were followed. Results Seven RCTs were included. Pooled analysis of five studies indicated no statistically significant difference in the success rates of the two anesthetic techniques (OR: 1.02; 95% CI: 0.13, 7.96; I2=69%, p=0.98). Meta-analysis of data from the four studies demonstrated no statistically significant difference in pain during the procedure with buccal infiltration of articaine or IANB with lignocaine (SMD: 0.62; 95% CI: -1.37, 0.12; I2=88%, p=0.10). Conclusions Evidence suggests that buccal infiltration of articaine is a viable alternative to IANB with lignocaine in pediatric patients for treating mandibular molars. Based on the confidence intervals, there may be a tendency of higher success rates with buccal infiltration of articaine. Key words:Lignocaine, articaine, primary dentition, children, molars.
