

Postharvest quality and sensory attributes of organically grown Ficus carica L.

Alessio AllegraVittorio FarinaPaolo IngleseAlessandra GallottaGiuseppe Sortino


‘Fico di Terlizzi’Fruit qualitybiologymedia_common.quotation_subjectFicus‘Petrelli’Horticulturebiology.organism_classificationSettore AGR/03 - Arboricoltura Generale E Coltivazioni ArboreeHorticulturePostharvestSensorial charactersQuality (business)Fig fruitCaricamedia_common


This study evaluates some physical and chemical characteristics and sensory descriptors of fig fruit cultivars ‘Petrelli’ and ‘Fico di Terlizzi’, belonging to the national germplasm bank of fig trees and cultivated in Southern Italy. For the sensory evaluation of external appearance, the descriptors skin color, pulp color, odor, sweetness, stickiness, bitterness, juiciness, firmness, tannic taste and presence of achenes were measured. Results showed that fresh weight, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), TSS:TA, firmness, and sensory properties were different for the two cultivars. SSC was more correlated with sensory attributes than TA, but other factors were also important in controlling this relationship, one of these factors is firmness. Our results proved that simple analysis of TSS, TA and firmness cannot describe in a complete way fig fruit quality; however, the use of sensory analysis to complement the chemical-physical analysis provides more accurate information on the quality level of this fruit. The correlation between chemical traits and sensory descriptors, indicates that flavor, sweetness, skin color and texture best describe fruit quality, while smoothness, stickiness and bitterness are not highly relevant.
