

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance with Fast Field-Cycling Setup: A Valid Tool for Soil Quality Investigation

Pellegrino ContePaolo Lo Meo


RelaxometryMaterials scienceSoil testSoil quality evaluation<i>T</i><sub>1</sub>Environment010501 environmental sciences010402 general chemistry01 natural scienceslcsh:AgricultureSoilMolecular dynamicsLongitudinal relaxation timeNuclear magnetic resonanceSoil analysisFFC NMRFast field cycling0105 earth and related environmental sciencesMathematical modelRelaxation (NMR)lcsh:STime evolutionExperimental dataNuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopyNMR0104 chemical sciencesRelaxometryAgronomy and Crop Science


Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques are largely employed in several fields. As an example, NMR spectroscopy is used to provide structural and conformational information on pure systems, while affording quantitative evaluation on the number of nuclei in a given chemical environment. When dealing with relaxation, NMR allows understanding of molecular dynamics, i.e., the time evolution of molecular motions. The analysis of relaxation times conducted on complex liquid–liquid and solid–liquid mixtures is directly related to the nature of the interactions among the components of the mixture. In the present review paper, the peculiarities of low resolution fast field-cycling (FFC) NMR relaxometry in soil science are reported. In particular, the general aspects of the typical FFC NMR relaxometry experiment are firstly provided. Afterwards, a discussion on the main mathematical models to be used to “read” and interpret experimental data on soils is given. Following this, an overview on the main results in soil science is supplied. Finally, new FFC NMR-based hypotheses on nutrient dynamics in soils are described
