

Training needs of teachers in ICT: Training profiles and elements of complexity

Gonzalo AlmerichJesus M. Suarez-rodriguezConsuelo BellochRosa M. Bo


desarrollo profesionalfactores personalesTICfactores contextualesteacherstraining needscontextual factorsInformation and communication technologiespersonal factorscompetencias en TICuse of ICTuso de las TICnecesidades formativasTecnologías de la Información y Comunicación; desarrollo profesional; necesidades formativas; profesorado; competencias en TIC; uso de las TIC; factores personales; factores contextualeslcsh:LB5-3640lcsh:Theory and practice of educationTecnologías de la Información y ComunicaciónICTComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONprofesoradotecnologías de la Información y Comunicacióncompetences in ICTprofessional development


Training needs of teachers in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is one of the key aspects for the integration of ICT in daily educational practice, along with competences in ICT and the use of these technological resources by teachers. The aim of this paper is to establish teacher training profiles and relate them to their competences in ICT and the use thereof, together with personal and contextual factors. To this end, it has been used a survey design, with the sample 868 teachers from primary and secondary education in the Comunidad Valenciana. The instrument for collecting information is a questionnaire. The results indicate that teachers demand higher-level training in personal-professional plane, requiring more training on the planes with the students in the classroom and the integration of ICT in the classroom. Furthermore, these needs can be structured into four profiles: initial, initial-intermediate, intermediate and advanced. It has also found a clear relationship between these profiles of training needs in competences in ICT, especially technology; the use of ICT, principally in personal-professional plan. It is also found an influence on these profiles of teachers of the age and the frequency of computer use. This implies that educational administrations should consider these results in the development of teacher training plans to produce higher quality programs, as it is demanded since different fields.
