

Effective Field Theory for Jet Processes

Lorena RothenMatthias NeubertMatthias NeubertDing Yu ShaoThomas Becher


PhysicsJet (fluid)Wilson loop010308 nuclear & particles physicsAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaDegrees of freedom (physics and chemistry)FOS: Physical sciencesGeneral Physics and AstronomyPartonRenormalization group01 natural sciencesHigh Energy Physics - PhenomenologyHigh Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)FactorizationQuantum electrodynamics0103 physical sciencesEffective field theoryHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentResummation010306 general physics


Processes involving narrow jets receive perturbative corrections enhanced by logarithms of the jet opening angle and the ratio of the energies inside and outside the jets. Analyzing cone-jet processes in effective field theory, we find that in addition to soft and collinear fields their description requires degrees of freedom which are simultaneously soft and collinear to the jets. These collinear-soft particles can resolve individual collinear partons, leading to a complicated multi-Wilson-line structure of the associated operators at higher orders. Our effective field theory provides, for the first time, a factorization formula for a cone-jet process, which fully separates the physics at different energy scales. Its renormalization-group equations control all logarithmically enhanced higher-order terms, in particular also the non-global logarithms.
