

Visualising maritime vessel open data for better situational awareness in ice conditions

Timo LehtonenLauri FrankJari JussilaJari LaitinenMarkus Makkonen


ta222Situation awarenessComputer sciencepaikkatiedotice breakingSupply chainopen data02 engineering and technologyGeneralLiterature_MISCELLANEOUSice conditionsopen sourceData visualizationavoin lähdekoodiApplication areas020204 information systems0502 economics and business0202 electrical engineering electronic engineering information engineeringCode (cryptography)jäätilanneta512avoin tietota113geographic informationmerialueetbusiness.industry05 social sciencesEstimated time of arrivalavoin datamaritime vesselCollisiontilannekuvaOpen datasituational awarenessmeriliikennepaikkatietojärjestelmätSystems engineeringmaritime navigationdata sciencebusiness050203 business & management


Situational awareness of maritime vessels in ice conditions is important for the operation of supply chains. In the artic sea areas, the ice conditions pose a major challenge for maritime vessels getting stuck in the ice and being significantly delayed in arrival to harbor. Data science and open data provide new opportunities to overcome these challenges. This paper introduces available open data sources and data visualizations that can be used to develop applications, for example, for detecting maritime vessel collision, predicting estimated time of arrival to harbor, as well as maritime vessel route optimization in ice conditions. The paper begins by introducing available open data sources and existing computational studies on maritime vessels in ice conditions, then presents the developed data science solution and visualizations of the open data along with the open source software code, and finally concludes with a discussion on the potential application areas and opportunities for further research. peerReviewed
