

Extended Families as Communities of Religious Experience in Late Seventeenth-Century Eastern Finland

Miia Kuha


witchcraftreligious ritualshouseholdspaikallisyhteisötkansanuskokotitaloudetkulttuurihistoriarituaalitItä-Suomimaaseutuväestönegotiationsosiaalihistoriaextended familiesnoituususkonnonharjoitusuuden ajan alkusuurperheetperheet1600-lukuuskonto


AbstractThis chapter offers an interpretation of extended families as communities of experience in a rural area close to the eastern border of the Swedish realm. Through a case study of lower court records, Kuha examines the social and religious life in a 17th-century farm culminating in the crisis of an extended family. The chapter explores how practices of lived religion shaped the relationship of the community and the individual, and how experiences were negotiated within families and local communities. The analysis highlights the importance of protecting the boundaries of the household as well as the meaning of religious practices in creating cohesion within the community.
