Additive properties of fractal sets on the parabola
Tuomas Orponensubject
Mathematics - Classical Analysis and ODEsGeneral MathematicsFurstenberg setsClassical Analysis and ODEs (math.CA)FOS: MathematicsFourier'n sarjatadditive energiesMathematics - Combinatorics28A80 11B30Combinatorics (math.CO)ArticlesFourier transformsFrostman measuresdescription
Let $0 \leq s \leq 1$, and let $\mathbb{P} := \{(t,t^{2}) \in \mathbb{R}^{2} : t \in [-1,1]\}$. If $K \subset \mathbb{P}$ is a closed set with $\dim_{\mathrm{H}} K = s$, it is not hard to see that $\dim_{\mathrm{H}} (K + K) \geq 2s$. The main corollary of the paper states that if $0 0$. This information is deduced from an $L^{6}$ bound for the Fourier transforms of Frostman measures on $\mathbb{P}$. If $0 0$, then there exists $\epsilon = \epsilon(s) > 0$ such that $$ \|\hat{\mu}\|_{L^{6}(B(R))}^{6} \leq R^{2 - (2s + \epsilon)} $$ for all sufficiently large $R \geq 1$. The proof is based on a reduction to a $\delta$-discretised point-circle incidence problem, and eventually to the $(s,2s)$-Furstenberg set problem.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2023-01-02 | Annales Fennici Mathematici |