

An Isotensor Dibaryon in the $pp \to pp\pi^+\pi^-$ Reaction?

P. AdlarsonW. AugustyniakW. BardanM. BashkanovF. S. BergmannM. BerłowskiA. BondarM. BüscherH. CalénI. CiepałH. ClementE. CzerwińskiK. DemmichR. EngelsA. ErvenW. ErvenW. EyrichP. FedoretsK. FöhlK. FranssonF. GoldenbaumA. GoswamiK. GrigoryevL. HeijkenskjöldV. HejnyN. HüskenL. JarczykT. JohanssonB. KamysG. KemmerlingA. KhoukazO. KhreptakD. A. KirillovS. KistrynH. KleinesB. KłosW. KrzemieńP. KulessaA. KupśćK. LalwaniD. LerschB. LorentzA. MagieraP. MarciniewskiB. MariańskiH. --P. MorschP. MoskalH. OhmW. ParolE. Perez Del RioN. M. PiskunovD. PrasuhnD. PszczelK. PyszJ. RitmanA. RoyZ. RudyO. RundelS. SawantS. SchadmandI. Schätti--ozerianskaT. SefzickV. SerdyukB. ShwartzT. SkorodkoM. SkurzokJ. SmyrskiV. SopovR. StassenJ. StepaniakE. StephanG. SterzenbachH. StockhorstH. StröherA. SzczurekA. TrzcińskiM. WolkeA. WrońskaP. WüstnerA. YamamotoJ. ZabierowskiM. J. ZielińskiP. ŻUprańskiM. ŻUrek


Nuclear TheoryNuclear ExperimentNuclear ExperimentHigh Energy Physics - Experiment


Exclusive measurements of the quasi-free $pp \to pp\pi^+\pi^-$ reaction have been carried out at WASA@COSY by means of $pd$ collisions at $T_p$ = 1.2 GeV. Total and differential cross sections have been extracted covering the energy region $T_p = 1.08 - 1.36$ GeV, which is the region of $N^*(1440)$ and $\Delta(1232)\Delta(1232)$ resonance excitations. Calculations describing these excitations by $t$-channel meson exchange are at variance with the measured differential cross sections and underpredict substantially the experimental total cross section. An isotensor $\Delta N$ dibaryon resonance with $I(J^P) = 2(1^+)$ produced associatedly with a pion is able to overcome these deficiencies.
