

<title>Optical sensing for early cardiovascular diagnostics</title>

Janis SpigulisGirts VenckusMaris Ozols


Optical amplifierSignal processingComputer sciencePhotoplethysmogramAcousticsElectronic engineeringWaveformDetection theorySignalShape analysis (digital geometry)Electronic circuit


A sensor device for noninvasive detection and analysis of the pulsating blood flow waveforms by means of the reflective single-period photoplethysmorgraphy (SPPPG) technique has been designed and clinically tested. The sensor is operated jointly with any standard PC, by connecting the sensor head to the AD-card and using a separate hard disc with the signal processing software; all circuits are fed by the PC power supply. After processing, normalized shape of the mean SPPPG signal and its parameters are calculated and displayed; the measurement/processing time does not exceed 2 minutes. The clinically detected SPPPG signal shapes and corresponding parameters are presented and discussed. The preliminary results confirm good potential of this sensing approach for fast and patient-friendly early cardiovascular diagnostics.
