

Current-Induced Dynamics of Chiral Magnetic Structures: Creation, Motion, and Applications

Karin Everschor-sitteJan Masell


PhysicsClassical mechanicsMagnetic domainHall effectMagnetSkyrmionHomogeneous spacePhysik (inkl. Astronomie)Electric current


Magnetic textures can be manipulated by electric currents via the mechanisms of spin-transfer and spin-orbit-torques. We review how these torques can be exploited to create chiral magnetic textures in magnets with broken inversion symmetries, including domain walls and skyrmions. These chiral textures can also be moved by (electric) currents and obey very rich dynamics. For example, magnetic domain walls feature the famous Walker breakdown, and magnetic whirls are subject to the skyrmion Hall effect, which is rooted in their real-space topology. These properties led to a variety of potential novel applications which we briefly overview.
