

La scuola di Papa Francesco e la pedagogia ignaziana

Giuseppina D'addelfio


Settore M-PED/01 - Pedagogia Generale E SocialeScuola - Educazione alla pace - Inclusione sociale


The paper revolves around Pope Francis pedagogical thought on school, analyzed through his three speeches explicitly addressed, as pontiff, to school educators and students. However, it is argued that such speeches cannot be truly understood without considering their existential and experiential origin. Therefore, the paper also deals with the educational concern powerfully demonstrated by Jorge Mario Bergoglio when he was archbishop of Buenos Aires and, in particular, with the homilies of the several “Masses for Education” by him wanted and always presided at the beginning of every scholastic year. Moreover, his teaching experience and his own formation in the Society of Jesus are recalled. So, it is shown how the most significant root of the pedagogical thought of the first Jesuit priest to be named pope can be recognized in the Ignatian spirituality and pedagogy.
