

Assessment of the environmental quality of the Sicilian coast through a phytoecological and biogeographic analysis

Gianniantonio DominaPatrizia CampisiAnna Maria ManninoFrancesco Maria Raimondo


Settore BIO/02 - Botanica SistematicaSettore BIO/03 - Botanica Ambientale E ApplicataEndemic flora and fauna vegetation habitat monitoring Mediterranean islands GIS software


Large-scale habitat measurements have been aided greatly by advances in remote sensing and GIS software. However, the degree of resolution of this technique is still inadequate for many purposes, such as detail monitoring of many habitats that occur on the coast (e.g. temporary Mediterranean pools or ephemeral therophytic grasslands). Lists and distribution mapping of taxa are probably the most commonly used surrogate for overall biodiversity at both local and broader scales. For the Sicilian coasts a complete study, dating back more than 25 years ago and based on a multidisciplinary approach of flora, vegetation and fauna, exists (Raimondo & al. 1990. Quad. Bot. Amb. Appl. 1: 131-182). In order to verify the validity of this approach, this methodology was taken back and updated with the data collected during these 25 years and with the help of the advanced GIS technologies. The Sicilian coast and surrounding islands are divided in 130 elementary areas resulting from the I.G.M. Carta d’Italia 1/50.000 sheets or including single islands. For each area the most peculiar taxa, from a biogeographic point of view, of the vascular, bryophytic and algal flora and of fauna were recorded. The landscape was examined referring to the physiognomic and structural characters of the actual vegetation. The results overlap with those obtained 25 years ago. The biological and environmental emergencies resulted concentrated in the surrounding islands and along the NW and SE coast. The Sicilian coast has been greatly altered by man with few exceptions in some promontories and shores.
