Versuche zur Lichtbeugung an Ultraschall in Quarz
Winfried Schattersubject
DiffractionNuclear and High Energy PhysicsMaterials sciencebusiness.industryPhysics::OpticsEffective depthIntensity (physics)Tilt (optics)OpticsUltrasonic sensorMaximabusinessRefractive indexQuartzdescription
Diffraction of a continuous laser beam (He-Ne) by standing ultrasonic waves of 260 Mcs/s in quartz has been investigated. Besides the principal maximum at exact Bragg-incidence, the variation of intensity of first order diffraction pattern with tilt angle shows up to 15 secondary maxima. The effective depth of sound field and the maximum variation of refractive index were determined by comparison with the theory ofBhatia andNoble.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
1967-08-01 | Zeitschrift f�r Physik |