

Test use in Spain: the psychologists’ viewpoint

José Muñiz FernándezJosé Ramón Fernández HermidaAna Hernández


TestOpiniones de los psicólogosPersonaPsychologyHumanitiesGeneral PsychologyTest (assessment)Uso de testActitudes hacia los test


espanolLos test son los instrumentos de medida mas utilizados por los psicologos para obtener datos que les ayuden a tomar decisiones sobre las personas. Conocer las opiniones de los profesionales de la psicologia acerca de la practica de los test es fundamental para plantear acciones encaminadas a mejorar su uso en nuestro pais. El objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer con detalle lo que piensan los psicologos espanoles sobre el uso de los test. Se aplico un cuestionario de 30 items sobre distintos aspectos de la practica de los test. Respondieron 1.248 colegiados, 73,7% mujeres, con una edad media de 46,31 anos y una desviacion tipica de 11,08. Los resultados muestran unas actitudes favorables de los psicologos al uso de los test, si bien se ponen de manifiesto EnglishTests are the measuring instruments most used by psychologists to obtain data that help them make decisions about people. It is essential to understand the opinions of psychology professionals regarding the practical implementation of tests, in order to propose and organize actions aimed at improving their use. The objective of this research is to understand in detail what Spanish psychologists think about the use of tests in our country. A 30-item questionnaire on the different aspects of testing practices was administered. The questionnaire was answered by 1,248 members of the Spanish Psychological Association, 73.7% women, with an average age of 46.31 years, and a standard deviation of 11.08. The results show favorable attitudes of Spanish psychologists to the use of tests in the exercise of their profession, although some aspects that need to be improved are presented. Results are discussed, and some ideas about the future of tests are analyzed.
