

Preliminary evaluation of biopolymers production by mixed microbial culture from citrus wastewater in a MBR system using respirometric techniques

Santo Fabio CorsinoNicoletta TorregrossaDaniela PiazzeseDaniele Di Trapani


Microbiological cultureMixed microbial cultureMicroorganismBiomass02 engineering and technology010501 environmental sciencesRaw materialMembrane bioreactor01 natural sciences020401 chemical engineeringIntracellular biopolymersSettore CHIM/01 - Chimica Analitica0204 chemical engineeringSafety Risk Reliability and QualityWaste Management and DisposalCitrus wastewater0105 earth and related environmental sciencesSettore ICAR/03 - Ingegneria Sanitaria-AmbientaleChemistryProcess Chemistry and TechnologyPulp and paper industryActivated sludgeWastewaterMembrane bioreactorFermentationBiotechnology


Abstract This preliminary study was aimed at evaluating the feasibility to produce biopolymers (BP) from citrus wastewater by mixed microbial culture in an anaerobic/aerobic membrane bioreactor (A/O-MBR). The activated sludge of the A/O-MBR was successfully enriched in microorganisms having a good capacity in producing intracellular biopolymers. The production of BP was found to be about 0.55 mgCOD mgCOD−1 using pure acetate at a concentration of 1000 mgCOD L−1. When using fermented wastewater, the conversion of acetate into BP product was 0.56 mgCOD mgCOD−1 in the test performed with C/N equal to 1000:1, whereas it was only 0.12 mgCOD mgCOD−1 in the test with C/N of 100:5. The results achieved suggested the feasibility to use citrus wastewater as a feedstock for biopolymers production although the low biomass storage capacity (0.26 mgCOD mgCODbiomass−1) suggested the need for optimizing the operating conditions in future studies.
