

La dépendance automobile pour l’accès des ménages aux services : Le cas de la grande couronne francilienne

Benjamin Motte-baumvol


car ownershippopulation servicesIle-de-France[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographydépendance automobileservices aux ménages[SHS.GEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographymotorisationautomobile dependence


The automobile dependence raises the question of social economic standard in mobility. In the outer suburbs of Paris, the automobile is the key element that determines the location of general services and the access of households to those services. Yet, this appreciation must be moderated according to territories and populations. Some territories depend less on the automobile, and part of households have developed an alternative system of mobility that partially compensates the absence or the low access to automobile equipment. If non motorized households remain socially marginalized because of the automobile dependence, the motorized households are not free from this risk either. Our observations show that the motorized households have to limit their daily number of kilometers for economic reasons and they cannot reach the automobile standard of mobility determined by wealthier households.
