

Automatic Content Analysis of Computer-Supported Collaborative Inquiry-Based Learning Using Deep Networks and Attention Mechanisms

Joni LämsäPablo UribeRoberto ArayaAbelino JiménezJouni ViiriRaija Hämäläinen


Feature engineeringWord embeddingComputer scienceProcess (engineering)Context (language use)neuroverkot010501 environmental sciencesoppimisanalytiikkaMachine learningcomputer.software_genre01 natural sciencesluonnollinen kielitietokoneavusteinen oppimineninquiry based learningnatural language processingyhteisöllinen oppiminentutkiva oppiminen0105 earth and related environmental sciencesInterpretabilityArtificial neural networkbusiness.industry05 social sciences050301 educationsisällönanalyysideep neural networksActive learningInquiry-based learningArtificial intelligencebusiness0503 educationcomputer


Computer-supported collaborative inquiry-based learning (CSCIL) represents a form of active learning in which students jointly pose questions and investigate them in technology-enhanced settings. Scaffolds can enhance CSCIL processes so that students can complete more challenging problems than they could without scaffolds. Scaffolding CSCIL, however, would optimally adapt to the needs of a specific context, group, and stage of the group's learning process. In CSCIL, the stage of the learning process can be characterized by the inquiry-based learning (IBL) phase (orientation, conceptualization, investigation, conclusion, and discussion). In this presentation, we illustrate the potential of automatic content analysis to find the different IBL phases from authentic groups' face-to-face CSCIL processes to advance the adaptive scaffolding. We obtain vector representations from words using a well-known feature engineering technique called Word Embedding. Subsequently, the classification task is done by a neural network that incorporates an attention layer. The results presented in this work show that the proposed best performing model adds interpretability and achieves a 58.92{\%} accuracy, which represents a 6{\%} improvement compared to our previous work, which was based on topic-models. peerReviewed
