

A Search for Ultra-high-energy Neutrinos from TXS 0506+056 Using the Pierre Auger Observatory

A AabP AbreuM AgliettaIfm AlbuquerqueJm AlburyI AllekotteA AlmelaJa CastilloJ Alvarez-munizGa AnastasiL AnchordoquiB AndradaS AndringaC AramoH AsoreyP AssisG AvilaAm BadescuA BakalovaA BalaceanuF BarbatoRjb LuzS BaurKh BeckerJa BellidoC BeratMe BertainaX BertouPl BiermannJ BiteauA BlancoJ BlazekC BleveM BohaacovaaD BoncioliC BonifaziN BorodaiAm BottiJ BrackT BretzA BridgemanFl BriechleP BuchholzA BuenoS BuitinkM BuscemiKs Caballero-moraL CaccianigaL CalcagniA CancioF CanforaI CaracasJm CarcellerR CarusoA CastellinaF CatalaniG CataldiL CazonM CerdaJa ChinellatoK ChoiJ ChudobaL ChytkaRw ClayAcc CeruttiR ColalilloA ColemanMr ColucciaR ConceicaoA CondorelliG ConsolatiF ContrerasF ConvengaMj CooperS CoutuCe CovaultB DanielS DassoK DaumillerBr DawsonJa DayRm De AlmeidaSj De JongG De MauroJrtdm NetoI De MitriJ De OliveiraV De SouzaJ DebatinM Del RioO DelignyN DhitalA Di MatteoMld CastroC DobrigkeitJc D'olivoQ DorostiRc Dos AnjosMt DovaA DundovicJ EbrR EngelM ErdmannCo EscobarA EtchegoyenH FalckeJ FarmerG FarrarAc FauthN FazziniF FeldbuschF FenuLp FerreyroJm FigueiraA FilipcicMm FreireT FujiiA FusterB GarciaH GemmekeF GesualdiA Gherghel-lascuPl GhiaU GiaccariM GiammarchiM GillerDg LasJ GlombitzaF GobbiG GolupMg BerissoPfg VitaleJp GongoraN GonzalezI GoosD GoraA GorgiM GottowikTd GrubbF GuarinoGp GuedesE GuidoS HahnR HallidayMr HampelP HansenD HarariTa HarrisonVm HarveyA HaungsT HebbekerD HeckP HeimannGc HillC HojvatEm HoltP HomolaJr HorandelP HorvathM HrabovskyT HuegeJ HulsmanA InsoliaPg IsarJa JohnsenJ JurysekA KaapaKh KampertB KeilhauerN KemmerichJ KempHo KlagesM KleifgesJ KleinfellerD KuempelGk MezekAk AwadBl LagoD LahurdRg LangR LeguminaMal De OliveiraV LenokA Letessier-selvonI Lhenry-yvonOc LippmannD Lo PrestiL LopesR LopezAl CasadoR LorekQ LuceA LuceroM MalacariG MancarellaD MandatBc ManningJ ManshandenP MantschAg MariazziIc MarisG MarsellaD MartelloH MartinezOm BravoM MastrodicasaHj MathesS MathysJ MatthewsG MatthiaeE MayottePo MazurG Medina-tancoD MeloA MenshikovKd MerendaS MichalMi MichelettiL MiramontiD MocklerS MollerachF MontanetC MorelloG MorlinoM MostafaAl MullerMa MullerS MullerR MussaWm NamasakaL NellenM Niculescu-oglinzanuM NiechciolD NitzD NosekV NovotnyL NozkaLanu NezLa NunezA OlintoM PalatkaJ PallottaMp PanettaP PapenbreerG ParenteA ParraM PechF PedreiraJ PekalaR PelayoJ Pena-rodriguezLas PereiraM PerlinL PerroneC PetersS PetreraJ PhuntsokT PierogM PimentaV PirronelloM PlatinoJ PohB PontC PorowskiM PothastRr PradoP PriviteraM ProuzaA PuyleartS QuerchfeldS QuinnR Ramos-pollanJ RautenbergD RavignaniM ReininghausJ RidkyF RiehnM RisseP RistoriV RiziWr De CarvalhoJr RojoMj RoncoroniM RothE RouletAc RoveroP RuehlSj SaffiA SaftoiuF SalamidaH SalazarG SalinaJds GomezF SanchezEm SantosE SantosF SarazinR SarmentoC Sarmiento-canoR SatoP SavinaM SchauerV ScheriniH SchielerM SchimassekM SchimpF SchluterD SchmidtO ScholtenP SchovanekFg SchroderS SchroderJ SchumacherSj SciuttoM ScornavaccheRc ShellardG SiglG SilliO SimaR SmidaGr SnowP SommersJf SorianoJ SouchardR SquartiniM StadelmaierD StancaS StanicJ StasielakP StassiM StolpovskiyA StreichM Suarez-duranT SudholzT SuomijarviAd SupanitskyJ SupikZ SzadkowskiA TaboadaOa TabordaA TapiaC TimmermansP TobiskaCjt PeixotoB TomeGt ElipeA TravainiP TravnicekM TriniM TuerosR UlrichM UngerM UrbanJfv GaliciaI ValinoL ValoreP Van BodegomAm Van Den BergA Van VlietE VarelaBv CardenasA Vasquez-ramirezD VebericC VenturaIdv QuispeV VerziJ VichaL VillasenorJ VinkS VorobiovH WahlbergAa WatsonM WeberA WeindlM WiedenskiL WienckeH WilczynskiT WinchenM WirtzD WittkowskiB WundheilerL YangA YushkovE ZasD ZavrtanikM ZavrtanikL ZehrerA ZepedaB ZimmermannM ZiolkowskiF Zuccarello


010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciencesAstronomyAstrophysicspower spectrum7. Clean energy01 natural sciencesIceCubeObservatoryMAGIC (telescope)UHE Cosmic Rays010303 astronomy & astrophysicsHigh energy astrophysics Neutrino astrony Blazars Transient sources Active galaxiesHigh Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)Physicsastro-ph.HEOBSERVATÓRIOSAstrophysics::Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysicsneutrino: UHEUHE [neutrino]AugerobservatoryHigh energy astrophysics; Neutrino astronomy; Blazars; Transient sources; Active galaxiesNeutrino detectorNeutrino astronomyNeutrinoAstrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaHigh energy astrophysicsradiation: electromagneticHigh-energy astronomyAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaFOS: Physical sciencesGLASTblazar0103 physical sciencesNeutrinoHigh Energy PhysicsZenithAstrophysique0105 earth and related environmental sciencesPierre Auger ObservatoryFísicaAstronomy and AstrophysicsAstronomiesensitivityMAGICTransient sourcesSciences de l'espaceelectromagnetic [radiation]13. Climate actionSpace and Planetary Sciencegamma rayExperimental High Energy PhysicsActive galaxiesddc:520spectralNeutrino astronomy[PHYS.ASTR]Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]Blazars


Results of a search for ultra-high-energy neutrinos with the Pierre Auger Observatory from the direction of the blazar TXS 0506+056 are presented. They were obtained as part of the follow-up that stemmed from the detection of high-energy neutrinos and gamma rays with IceCube, Fermi-LAT, MAGIC, and other detectors of electromagnetic radiation in several bands. The Pierre Auger Observatory is sensitive to neutrinos in the energy range from 100 PeV to 100 EeV and in the zenith-angle range from θ = 60° to θ = 95°, where the zenith angle is measured from the vertical direction. No neutrinos from the direction of TXS 0506+056 have been found. The results were analyzed in three periods: One of 6 months around the detection of IceCube-170922 A, coinciding with a flare period of TXS 0506+056, a second one of 110 days during which the IceCube collaboration found an excess of 13 neutrinos from a direction compatible with TXS 0506+056, and a third one from 2004 January 1 up to 2018 August 31, over which the Pierre Auger Observatory has been taking data. The sensitivity of the Observatory is addressed for different spectral indices by considering the fluxes that would induce a single expected event during the observation period. For indices compatible with those measured by the IceCube collaboration the expected number of neutrinos at the Observatory is well below one. Spectral indices as hard as 1.5 would have to apply in this energy range to expect a single event to have been detected.
