

Conflicts in Family Relations, Children's Emotions and Agency

Eija SevónMarianne Notko


Health (social science)familymedia_common.quotation_subjectemotionsEducationDevelopmental psychology050906 social workFamily relationschildrenconflictstunteetAgency (sociology)0501 psychology and cognitive sciencesta516Life-span and Life-course Studieslapset (perheenjäsenet)ta515media_common05 social sciencesEmotional securityparentskonfliktitNegotiationvanhemmatContent analysisperhe0509 other social sciencesPsychologySocial psychology050104 developmental & child psychology


What kind of conflicts and tensions do children experience with other children and adults in the family? Content analysis of 32 thematic interviews with 10- to 13-year-old children revealed that while conflicts often concern daily actions, tasks and routines, they also relate to decision-making and fair treatment or to matters threatening the child's sense of emotional security. Parental conflicts and conflicts in child–parent relationships often arouse negative emotions that lead children to suppress their agency. However, conflicts, particularly those between siblings, may also open up possibilities for negotiation and agency.
