

Effect of Rotor Tilt on the Performance of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines

Camilla Leikvoll



This thesis investigated the tilt loss of FOWT in conjunction with power performance. Consisting of three main parts, where the first calculates the power loss of three turbines influenced by tilt, the next part is the AEP of a three-turbine and a 10x10 turbine farm, and at last, is an investigation of the tilt loss of turbines with different spacing. Two engineering wake models are considered and compared, Bastankhah Gaussian (BG) and Jensen (NOJ). Results showed that choosing the wake model is vital due to the deviation of 6.41% from one of the cases. Further, findings show that when three tribunes are placed in an array and downstream turbines are directly influenced by the wake, the BG model gave a total power gain of 2.85%, while a power loss of -3.29% for the NOJ model. For a three-turbine farm, power loss due to tilt showed for both models around -2% loss. The AEP calculations gave a tilt loss for a three-turbine farm of -1.78% (BG) and a 10x10 farm of -0.98% loss. Further, the results obtained in the third part showed that for a three-turbine array, the turbines would gain power with tilted turbines from 3 to 11D, while after 12D, the fixed turbines will produce more. The most significant deviation in tilt loss is a gain of 4.11% at 5D with the BG model and a loss of -3.39% for the NOJ model at 6D. Results obtained seem to indicate a trend of loss due to the tilt, however, some results diverge and this will be discussed in this thesis.
